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Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

Enhance computing resources, digitize entire systems and complex processes, and deliver a smart factory through cloud computing. Take scheduling to the cloud and speed up complex simulations using the Simio Portal across facility chains and assemblies.

Cloud computing provides a relatively safe haven for the billions of data sets the industrialization produces. But its most important selling point to industry 4.0, digital transformation, and automation is the availability of data it gives enterprises. By integrating cloud computing within your enterprise, employees, equipment, and systems can access a centralized database in real-time regardless of the facility’s location.

The centralized assess to big data and Industry 4.0 tools cloud computing offers is important to achieving the benefits of a smart factory or automating brownfield facilities. This is because the IIoT devices, robots, and systems within smart facilities can receive and send real-time data to the cloud when automating industrial processes.

Simulation and Scheduling in the Cloud

The ability to execute the simulation, planning, and management of complex industrial processes in the cloud has made real-time scheduling and automation possible. This has also been beneficial to implementing Industry 4.0 business models as enterprises grow their businesses. With growth comes the addition of more variables to the production process making simulations more complex. Cloud computing offers a flexible platform for scaling up current simulation resources to meet future computing demands.

Simulation and scheduling application that leverages cloud computing provides real-time visibility and results that enable organizations proactively manage industrial processes and make decisions. With a cloud-based simulation and scheduling platform, results of complex simulations can be accessed through mobile devices, IIoT devices, and personal computers. This access and collaboration are done through the web without having to install the simulation software on the device.
Direct access to simulation and scheduling data ensures multiple facilities remain in synch and new business concepts can be rolled out across a chain of facilities without having to redeploy simulation tools every step of the way.

High-Performance Computing to Automate Complex Processes

Manufacturing processes that consist of hundreds of variables such as the algorithms driving generative design, complex supply chains, and material analysis require enormous computing resources. The needed resources cannot be met by traditional computers and data management tools which is where cloud computing comes into play.

With cloud computing, SMEs and large enterprises now have access to high-performance computers to handle highly complex processes at a reduced cost. The flexibility of cloud also means with increasing complexities, you simply scale up your computing package without having to purchase expensive hardware or automation and scheduling software.

Embracing The Cloud

When kick-starting the digital transformation of your facilities integrating cloud computing simplifies the entire process. Simio offers digit twin solutions, simulation and scheduling tools that are compatible with the cloud. With these tools, a web-based approach to digital transformation across multiple facilities can be achieved.

With Simio, you also get a 360 degrees’ view into the digital ecosystem of your organization. The interactive dashboards and custom reports can be accessed across multiple devices. The reports can also be integrated into other cloud-based management systems to streamline the automation of your facilities. Other benefits of embracing the cloud also include:

  • Enhanced connectivity
  • Improved interactions across smart devices
  • High performing simulations
  • Enhanced data security

Get the cloud to drive your digital transformation and Industry 4.0 initiatives by learning more about how Simio can help. Contact our experienced engineers today.