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Simulation-Based Planning and Scheduling

Simulation-Based Planning and Scheduling

Take advantage of the insight, planning, and execution strategies simulation and scheduling tools provide. Simio software delivers real-time scheduling and complex simulation management for facilities across every industrial niche.

Simulation has proven to be an excellent strategic tool for enterprises interested in business intelligence for both simple and complex operations. This is why it is currently being used as a day-to-day tool in the health care industry, Oil and Gas, Energy, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Transportation, and any other industry you can think off. Simulation-based planning and scheduling focus on finding optimized pathways or solutions to the most complex problem your enterprise faces.
Simulation-based planning and scheduling can be applied in different scenarios and process which include:

  • Design and Implementation
  • Operational Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Resource Allocation and Management

The concept of Simulation-based planning and scheduling revolves around building a model with as many details as can be gotten from a process. Populate the model with actual events and run the model to get results which are either plans or schedules. To achieve high-accuracy levels, the information used in creating the simulation model must be highly accurate and as detailed as possible. Enterprises can also include randomness into simulations when complex analyses are needed.

Simulation-Based Planning and Scheduling and Industry 4.0

The fourth industrial revolution is being driven by automation, data analysis, and optimization. Thus, simulation-based planning and scheduling tools are staples of this revolution. This is because they have important roles to play in defining the three important aspects of industry 4.0
The automation of processes within facilities requires the creation of schedules that determine the timing of processes. Without scheduling, chaos will reign on every shop floor as they attempt to automate. This is also the case with data analysis and optimization. Simulation-based planning and scheduling can be used to optimize the process with hundreds of variables within an industry 4.0 ecosystem.
Here also, accuracy is important to integrating industry 4.0 business models. This makes the case for collecting as much data and details about a process to ensure accurate simulation results are gotten from the simulated model. Only then can complete and effective automation be achieved.

Simio’s Simulation-based Planning and Scheduling Tools

With the Simio planning and scheduling platform, enterprises can answer important operational questions such as; how a facility reacts to unexpected events and how to scale up the production process without affecting product quality. Simio can also be used to plan and schedule processes that consist of multiple complex variables.

Simio also enhances the model building process by providing your enterprise with the option of using 3D models to define components and other assets. This enhanced details make Simio a simulation-based planning and scheduling tool for both a technical and non-technical audience. The interactive nature of the simulation results also makes it an excellent presentation tool to decision-makers and stakeholders of a project.
Enterprises can also choose to integrate the simulation-based planning and scheduling results into virtual environments to drive further analysis, employee training, and other educational pursuits. Simio simulation solutions include the following:

  • Simio Simulation-based Planning and Scheduling Software – Enterprises can choose to use Simio as a tool to drive their planning and scheduling policies for complex operations. Simple rules or tasks such as the Shortest Processing Times can be defined using Simio. Complex rules with multiple constraints such as selecting tools, determining the materials to accomplish them while allocating shop floor space can be simulated using Simio.
  • Simio Digital Twin – Simio Digital Twin technology can be used to drive the digital transformation initiatives of your enterprise. Within this digital environment, simulation-based planning and scheduling, data analysis, and IoT or IIoT computing can be done.


Real-time Scheduling – Simio delivers real-time scheduling to enterprises that rely on making decisions as quickly as possible. This proactive approach to decision-making reduces the challenges or problems that lead to downtime.
Cloud Compatibility – Simio’s cloud portal provides an avenue for enterprises to scale up computing requirements when managing complex simulations. It also makes remote working and collaboration possible as provisioned devices can access simulation results through the portal.
Receive Business Insight – Simulation-based planning provides enterprises with the option of testing out new ideas in a controlled environment before implementation. The insight gotten from digital planning is also enables the adoption of industry 4.0 business models within facilities.

Get in Touch Today

You can learn more about using Simio to deliver Industrial Automation by visiting our customer care center to know how it can be applied to simplify your industrial operations.