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Simio Digital Twin

What is a Digital Twin

A Digital Twin, sometimes referred to as a Device Shadow, provides a virtual representation of a product, part, system or process that allows you to see how it will perform, sometimes even before it exists. In the current age of Industry 4.0 and the Smart Factory, the exponential growth of technological developments allows us to gather, store and manipulate data like never before. A correctly generated Digital Twin can be used to dynamically calibrate the operational environment in order to positively impact every phase of the product life-cycle; through design, building and operation... One of Simio's unique capabilities.

Design and Operate Your Facility with Simio's Forward Looking Digital Twin.

Simio provides a systematic road-map to improve your factory operations, to synchronize and fix the information contained in your Enterprise systems and to harmonize people and processes to finally deliver a production schedule which is fully executable. Schedule feasibility is possible because Simio considers all operational constraints as well as the business logic required to successfully operate the factory concurrently, when creating the schedule.

We provide a 3D Process Digital Twin that is generated and driven by your enterprise data, which simulates the expected outcome into the future to provide predictive and prescriptive analysis of the system and is used to improve both the design and operations of complex systems.

A Simio Digital Twin Can:

Increased Throughput & Operational Efficiency

  • Eliminate siloed planning by concurrently scheduling all the operational areas
  • Reduce unplanned downtime by synchronizing all capacity and material constraints to meet demand
  • Reduce costs of setups by reducing changeovers without compromising on time delivery

Probability of Meeting On Time Delivery & Cost

  • Risk Analysis of meeting targets, such as on time delivery or cost
  • Constraint analysis of the root causes of delays and inefficiencies (labor, materials, capacity, etc.)
  • Avoid late penalties by addressing high-risk orders proactively

Synchronize the Factory through Global Visibility

  • Schedule visibility to the organization & all stakeholders in the supply chain via Azure
  • Visibility to suppliers for when and where raw materials and parts are needed (JIT)
  • Management dashboards to track performance

Dynamic Near-Realtime Event-based Scheduling

  • React to events in the system, such as unplanned downtime, signals from sensors or new orders
  • Eliminate manual, time consuming planning in Excel-based systems
  • Effective what-if analysis and plan comparisons to optimize business KPIs