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Why Simio Production Scheduling Software is the best for Industry 4.0

In a perfect world, everything goes to plan. Deterministic schedules optimistically assume that this will be the case, but what happens when resource variations or unplanned events occur, for example equipment breakdowns, staff shortages or material outages?

Especially in a Smart Factory based on Industry 4.0 principles, the uncertainly brought about by the risk of these potential delays must be incorporated into scheduling software in order to reduce knock-on effects and find optimum solutions to make the best of changing situations.

This is where Simio Simulation-based Production Scheduling Software really comes into its own.

Simio integrates prebuilt objects with flexible process modeling to give the most accurate portrayal of production. Combining the learning ability of Big Data Analysis with the predictive features of Simulation Analysis, trends and patterns are uncovered and permutated in order to explore and predict the future.

When real time data is applied to Simio’s virtual model, problems and issues can be addressed before they occur. Simulation-based scheduling allows an uncertain future to be predicted, viewed and documented. “What if...” questions can be answered and scenarios modeled, with the result that costly mistakes can be avoided, maintaining productivity and performance.

What makes Simio stand out?

Simio’s user-friendly interface is fully interoperable with current standard data packages, including Excel, making information entry fast and easy. Objects from Simio’s extensive library are cut and pasted into schedules, which enables models to be built quickly and without coding.

Rapid processing means powerful rendering of scheduling information, allowing flow processes and discrete events to be depicted within the same model. Ultra-realistic 3D animation provides engaging visual representation and Gantt charts and reports, as well as dashboards, can be customized to convey scheduling results.

Most importantly, however, Simio’s responsive user support is provided by a world class team of engineers with many combined years of expert scheduling and industry experience.

The Industry 4.0 model is rapidly becoming the new standard model in the manufacturing industry, so it’s no wonder that more than 800 universities are already using Simio Simulation-based Production Scheduling Software to teach the latest in simulation techniques to the next generation.