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Industry 4.0 Emerging Technologies

Industry 4.0 Emerging Technologies

Harness the power and benefits of emerging technologies including human-machine interfaces, smart edge devices, 3D printing, Big data, high-performance computing, and discrete event simulation to drive Industry 4.0 policies.

The fourth Industrial is being defined by diverse business models or concepts that aid the adoption of a data-driven approach to revolutionizing traditional industrial processes. These Industry 4.0 business models include:

  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Data-driven Plant Performance Optimization
  • Data-driven Inventory Optimization
  • Data-driven Quality Control
  • Machines-as-a-Service
  • Virtual Training and Validation – Simio

It is easy to see that data drives industry 4.0 and to automate traditional processes, captured data must be understood and analyzed when making business decisions. And this is what diverse emerging technologies attempt to accomplish in relation to Industry 4.0.

Production Automation and Orchestration

The data required for automating production and orchestrating facility processes can be captured using smart edge devices including human-machine interfaces, RFIDs, IoT devices, and sensors. While orchestration which involves making sense of captured data to deliver the outlined industry 4.0 models, is being made possible by artificial intelligence applications, discrete event simulations, machine learning applications, and digital twin solutions.
Thus, combining emerging technologies such as data capturing tools with discrete event simulation can be used to deliver industry 4.0 business models such as predictive maintenance, data-driven inventory optimization and quality control.
Other combinations such as the use of IoT with AI and digital twin technologies deliver data-driven plant performance optimization models within shop floors. Thus every data captured from industrial processes can be used to automate complex systems and be used by original equipment manufacturers to build smarter machines that are industry 4.0 compliant. The integration of these emerging technologies such as IIoT devices in shop floors also simplifies the process of collecting the data Industry 4.0 functions with.

Communication and Automated Provisioning

For end-to-end automation to be achieved, communication across shop floors and facilities must occur without the intervention of humans. Emerging technologies such as edge computing and 5G are enabling the low latency communications needed across the deepest parts of shop floors.
Automated provisioning in industry 4.0 delivers benefits powered by emerging technologies such as:

  • Real-time communications – This drives the exchange of important data across a facility’s networks to ensure prompts, tickets, and directions are acted upon in real-time.
  • Accelerated Time to Market – Continuous deployment, reduced downtime, and automated scheduling speed up the production lifecycle enabling enterprises go-to-market quicker.
  • Enhances Cybersecurity – Communication protocols help keep communication channels secure in real-time due to the automated maintenance of service-level agreement (SLAs).

Virtual training and Validation

Virtual training and validation technologies are other aspects of emerging solutions used to deliver Industry 4.0 business models to industries. For virtual training, digital twin solutions are used to recreate physical systems, assets, and process in a digital environment. Within the digital environment, different scenarios based on real-life applications are simulated and used to teach employees new business concepts or processes.
Discrete event simulation and scheduling software are also used for virtual training and more importantly validation of new ideas. The efficacy of this method is the inclusion of 3D models or animations of assets and processes within an industry before simulating outcomes. Simulation results are also recreated in 3D which creates a clear enough picture to validate new concepts before attempting physical implementations.
Augmented reality technologies also have roles to play in integrating industry 4.0 business models such as virtual training. A hands-on approach to training staff using accurate representations creates an environment which fosters active learning and gamification. This ensures old and new employees are brought to speed on how automated processes will affect their functions and output.

Our Solutions

Simo simulation and scheduling software put real-time information at your fingertips whenever and wherever you require it. This information can be used to drive multiple Industry 4.0 business concepts such as virtual trainings and validations, data-driven plant performance optimization, and data-driven quality control.
Enterprises also have the option of developing digital twins of complex industrial processes using Simio. The benefits Simio offers to your business when implementing Industry 4.0 business models include:

  • Real-time scheduling
  • Accurate virtual training
  • Idea validation before implementation
  • Effective use of resources and reduced implementation costs

Getting started with emerging technology to automate industrial process requires technical knowledge of the exact process you intend to automate and the tools needed to accomplish it. Our experienced engineers are equipped with the technical knowledge needed to help you get started with Simio simulation, scheduling, and digital transformation tool today.